What Are the Graduation Rates for Online MBA Programs?

Perhaps the most telling metric a prospective MBA student can use to evaluate how effective and high-quality an online program is, graduation rates are critical. They also offer information on student retention, program satisfaction and overall program accomplishment in support of the students’ academic goal achievement. Examining graduation rates also assists likely candidates in predicting whether or not they will complete the program to measuring what kind of support may be available. Read this article to find out what kinds of things you should consider when looking at graduation rates for online MBA programs, just how common low completion rates actually are and why choosing a program is like catching lightning in the bottle.

Variables Affecting Graduation Rates

There are many factors at play when determining graduation rates for online MBA programs — from how the program is structured to what student support services look like and who students actually are.

Program Structure and Rigor

Graduation rates are largely dependent on the framework and structure of an online MBA program. Curriculum impacts completion rates: programs with good curricula, no excessive course overload and defined checkpoints can help students to graduate. On the other hand, overly rigorous or inflexible programs could face reduced completion rates due to student attrition.

Student Support Services

Solid student services like academic advising, technical support and career counseling are essential for guiding students as they make their way through an online MBA program. Students are more likely to have the tools they need to survive barriers and ultimately complete when programs wrap students in resources from head-to-toe.

Work Balance and Flexibility

The generally higher graduation rates among online MBA programs that are part-time and designed for working professionals (i.e. weekends, evenings) attest to this fact as well. By allowing flexibility, students have a chance to study and work at the same time avoiding tears of dropping out from pursuing studies while others are entangled with job responsibilities.

Student Demographics

Graduation Rates of Students Enrolled in an Online MBA Program – The graduation rate and how long students overall take to complete their online business degree is also a critical factor. Completion Rates: Programs that cater to highly motivated, well prepared students who have chosen an online program for specific reasons are seeing completion rates higher than average.

Average Online MBA Graduation Dates

Online MBA Graduation Rates Vary Greatly with the Institution, Program Structure and Student Population But general trends can be noticed:

Average Graduation Rates: Graduation rates for online MBA programs generally run slightly lower than on-campus MBAs, but every school and program is different. That’s because working professionals have found the challenges of life and work more intense than before. Although quite variable depending on program-specific characteristics, typical graduation rates may range from 50% to 70% for online MBA programs.

Variability by Program Type: Graduation Rates in Different Online MBA Programs For example, programs with part-time study options or executive MBA formats may have higher graduation rates than those without these specialized tracks in full time online. Ryon remembers, “I realized that I needed to spend some time reviewing program-specific data so I could provide a truer graduation rate.

What Graduation Rates Really Mean

To get a better idea of what graduation rates to expect with an online MBA program, weigh the following factors before making your choice:

National Averages vsethe Same: It also compels institutions and the general public to compare program-level graduation rates against national norms or similar programs. That can put things in perspective and allow you to measure how a program’s graduation rate compares, or whether this ought to count as an indicator of its value.

Program-Specific Factors: Consider differentiators between each program such as support services, flexibility and curriculum designed. In fact, a program with well below average graduation rate will be worthy of consideration if it provides strong supports and otherwise appears to align quite nicely to your personal/professional goals.

Reviews and Testimonials by the students

Ask current students, alumni to see what their experiences were like and the obstacles they faced. Student Reviews: Interesting to see what students have anecdotally experienced in terms of quality and things impacting graduation rates.


The graduation rate is another factor an applicant should consider in comparing M.B.A. programs, because it speaks to the effectiveness of a program at helping students succeed and finish their coursework. Although average graduation rates for online MBA programs usually fall within 50%-70% some elements such as the overall program structure, student services or even demographics could change this percentage. In order to decide between a few programs, compare ground rates against national averages, think about program-specific contributing factors and also get input from current pupils & alumni. Based on this thorough evaluation, you can select an online MBA program that not only meets your goals but also supports its successful achievement.

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